Attain perfect control over document permissions and versions through a visualized tree-structured directory, meeting the needs for knowledge and document management at once.
Creating basic profiles and expertise data for talents, with the option for managers to assign individuals as experts, making them the core of the company's knowledge assets.
Collaborating with professional knowledge communities within the organization to uncover tacit knowledge, and enhancing the work efficiency and decision-making quality.
Organize, store, memo, and search those commonly used but unstructured information and knowledge to effectively enhance work efficiency.
Quickly view the latest documents, FAQs, and popular files that individuals are following. Utilize a drag-and-drop framework for freely adjusting the display positions.
Organize internal knowledge documents based on personal preferences, incorporate external website links, and offer a shortcut toolbar customization feature.
Implement a flexible and comprehensive document review process, establish lifecycle management and permission control system to ensure document quality.
eLAND, as the leading brand in Chinese search, is equipped with intelligent Chinese processing module,including fault tolerance, to ensure accuracy of searching.
The feature can be added to achieve a better document permission control and flexibility, maintaining the effectiveness of management and reducing the risk of unauthorized document use.
After installing the security module, you can set more detailed permissions to make sure confidential documents stay secure within the enterprise.
The security module supports various common file formats, including PDF, ZIP, OFFICE, TXT, JPG, BMP, PNG, TIF, DWG, DXF, and more. Once a file is added to the document index card, it can be viewed through the Viewer.
The feature can be added to achieve a better document permission control and flexibility, maintaining the effectiveness of management and reducing the risk of unauthorized document use.
After installing the security module, you can set more detailed permissions to make sure confidential documents stay secure within the enterprise.
The security module supports various common file formats, including PDF, ZIP, OFFICE, TXT, JPG, BMP, PNG, TIF, DWG, DXF, and more. Once a file is added to the document index card, it can be viewed through the Viewer.
Copyright eLAND Information Co., Ltd.